Sunday, April 10, 2011

April Showers... Bring New Idea's!

When Gina contacted us last month... she said she was having a problem... See, she HATES sugar cookies. Hates the taste, hates the texture. Another thing? She's pregnant- so with the dislike of a sugar cookie... came the craving of chocolate... "I want a round cookie. The theme is sparkly pinkawirls and tiny yellow flowers" She sent a copy of the invitation paper her mum would be using, along with small yellow flowers:
Sounded easy... until... "Can you make a chocolate chip cookie to be decorated?" Hmm. ANyone who has made chocolate chip cookies know how bumpy...lumpy and oh so gooey they are (No complaints here though)... and then... (Insert light bulb here) Just then, we realized that my grandfather had a secret recipe that we had loved. They were chocolate chip cookies, with a few hidden (And odd) ingredients, that he was able to keep flat, and smooth... PERFECT!

We thought. So over the next month, we tried... and with alot of trial and error, we were able to construct the perfect flat chocolate chip cookie (That tastes like a regular chocolate chip !) that we can decorate!!

So, without Gina's amazing idea, we never would have remembered this recipe!
"They were perfect!! I took all the extra home and ate one while I was there. Good thing I ordered 20 extra because I am pretty sure people would have been going home without favors!)

Congratulation's Gina!  And thank's for the awesome idea!!

Love and Sprinkles,
Little Mrs Cupcake

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